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[WOTLK] Multiboxing by Dopol

Geplaatst: 16-03-2011 19:15
door Depil
hier een kleine guide voor MB
niet echt een guide doro mij gemaakt
ik laat hier meer mijn script in zien en heb onderaan ook nog een Guide neergezet die mij veel geholpen heeft.

dit Script kan alleen gebruikt worden door HotKeyNet
gratis te downloaden op

wil je beginnen met levelen en nog niet zo ervaren met scripts en Multiboxen?

plak dan de onderstaande scripten in een kladblok (alle scripts tot aan de guide) vul daar waar USERNAME of WACHTWOORD staat de username van je account of je wachtwoord in (van wow1, wow2, wow3, wow4, wow5 staat boven aan welke je moet hebben)

mijn script

dit stukje start ik wow mee op en log ik tegelijk in
scrollock aan en Alt Ctrl L, Y, U, I, O om de wows te openen

boven aan bij <Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\World_of_Warcraft\Wow.exe">
moet je je locatie waar je WoW.exe hebt staan neer zetten.

Code: Selecteer alles

<Command LaunchAndRename>
<SendPC %1%>
<Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\World_of_Warcraft\Wow.exe">
<RenameTargetWin %2%>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl L>
<LaunchAndRename Local WoW1>
<wait 3000>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>
<wait 100>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 1280 745>
<SetWinPos 1 1>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Y>
<LaunchAndRename Local WoW2>
<wait 3000>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>
<wait 100>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 1 746>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl U>
<LaunchAndRename Local WoW3>
<wait 3000>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>
<wait 100>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 321 746>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl I>
<LaunchAndRename Local WoW4>
<wait 3000>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>
<wait 100>
<TargetWin WoW4>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 641 746>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl O>
<LaunchAndRename Local WoW5>
<wait 3000>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>
<wait 100>
<TargetWin WoW5>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 961 746> 

hiermee verander ik mijn hoofd scherm voor als bijvoorbeeld me master dood is dan kan ik verder MBen met 1 van me slaves
Alt Ctrl Numpad 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in die volgorde voor scherm 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Code: Selecteer alles

// Set master WoW1
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Numpad1>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 1280 745>
<SetWinPos 1 1>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 1 746>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 321 746>
<TargetWin WoW4>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 641 746>
<TargetWin WoW5>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 961 746>

// Set master WoW2
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Numpad2>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 1280 745>
<SetWinPos 1 1>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 1 746>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 321 746>
<TargetWin WoW4>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 641 746>
<TargetWin WoW5>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 961 746>

// Set master WoW3
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Numpad3>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 1280 745>
<SetWinPos 1 1>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 1 746>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 321 746>
<TargetWin WoW4>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 641 746>
<TargetWin WoW5>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 961 746>

// Set master WoW4
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Numpad4>
<TargetWin WoW4>
<SetWinSize 1280 745>
<SetWinPos 1 1>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 1 746>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 321 746>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 641 746>
<TargetWin WoW5>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 961 746>

// Set master WoW5
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Numpad5>
<TargetWin WoW5>
<SetWinSize 1280 745>
<SetWinPos 1 1>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 1 746>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 321 746>
<TargetWin WoW4>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 641 746>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 320 240>
<SetWinPos 961 746>
dit is voor als er bijvoorbeeld een DC is geweest log ik hier mee in.
Alt Ctrl 1,2,3,4,5

Code: Selecteer alles

// Sign in WoW1
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl 1>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<wait 3>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>

// Sign in WoW2
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl 2>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<wait 3>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>

// Sign in WoW3
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl 3>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<wait 3>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>

// Sign in WoW4
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl 4>
<TargetWin WoW4>
<wait 3>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>

// Sign in WoW5
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl 5>
<TargetWin WoW5>
<wait 3>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>
dit is een stuk script met meerdere dingen er in.

het stukje met DEFINE HOTKEYS boven aan, dat zijn de knoppen die naar al je WoW schermen worden verzonden als je ze indrukt.
achter aan staat "Except E, W, A, S, D, Z" alles achter "Except" word niet verzonden. standaart zijn dit Q, E, W, A, S, D, Z. dit zijn je loop knoppen voor je master.

daarna het stukje met DEFINE MOVEMENT KEYS dit zijn loop knoppen die naar ieder scherm worden verzonden. bij niet movement keys word als je ze indrukt meteen naar het scherm verzonden als een enkele klik. movement keys word bij elk scherm die knop ingedrukt en blijft zo tot je hem los laat. hier heb ik de pijltjes toetsen voor ingestelt

dan het laatste stukje met BROADCAST MOUSE CLICKS deze is zeer handig voor als je bijvoorbeeld je skills wilt trainen. houd Oem3 in gedrukt en klik ergens op je scherm bijvoorbeeld op "Accept Quest" en vervolgens word op ieder scherm op accept quest gedrukt.
(Oem3 = ` ~ (de knop naast de 1 links boven op je toetsenbord))

Code: Selecteer alles

<Label w1 Local SendWinM WoW1>
<Label w2 Local SendWinM WoW2>
<Label w3 Local SendWinM WoW3>
<Label w4 Local SendWinM WoW4>
<Label w5 Local SendWinM WoW5>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn A-Z, 0-9, Plus, Minus, F1-F12, Numpad0-Numpad9, Divide, Multiply, NumpadMinus, NumpadEnter, Except E, W, A, S, D, Z>
<SendLabel w1, w2, w3, w4, w5>
<Key %Trigger%>

<MovementHotkey ScrollLockOn Insert, Delete, up, down, left, right, space>
<SendLabel w1, w2, w3, w4, w5>
<Key %Trigger%>

<UseKeyAsModifier Oem3>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Oem3 LButton, MButton, RButton, Button4, Button5, MButton>
<SendLabel w1, w2, w3, w4, w5>
<ClickMouse %TriggerMainKey%> 

Vervolgens is het ook nog zeer handig om op ieder account een keybinding te doen voor "Interact wit Target" deze optie laat je bijvoorbeeld met een npc traden. of met een quest giver praten. of natuurlijk slappy de teleporter in SW.

om dit te doen druk je op Esc. ga je naar Keybindings. scroll je naar beneden naar Targeting Functions en zoek je naar Interact With Target. vervolgens zet je daar een knop neer die je bij iedere slave en je master het zelfde hebt. ik heb hier voor Numlock-0 omdat die niet dicht bij zit zodat ik knoppen die dichtbij zitten kan gebruiken voor spells.

Dit is een Guide op NE forum die mij zeer veel geholpen heeft.
medemogelijk gemaakt door Shortnstubby de 13shammy multiboxer uit The Shadowlegion ... t=multibox
Roflstomp schreef:Ok, lemme first make my introduction here.

As alot of you know i support the act of Multiboxing, and believe that anyone who wants to should be able to.

The act of controlling more than one character at a time is FAR more difficult than just controlling one character.

And if you wanna take on this challenge by all means i encourage you too.

That being said, there are alot of players who wish to take on the challenge of Multiboxing but don't know where to start, or even how the entire process works.

This guide is dedicated to explaining how Multiboxing works, and how one does it.

RoflStomp's Complete Multiboxing Guide For Beginners:

Table Of Contents:

(*This guide is search jump enabled by using the Ctr+F command prompt, and by searching the id numbers associated with the guide sections.*)

-1.1 What Is Multiboxing? ~ 1113
-1.2 The Basics Of Multiboxing: ~ 1114
-1.3 How Do I Get Started? ~ 1115
-1.3b Determining Your Team: ~ 1116
-1.3c Naming Your Team: ~ 1117
-1.4 Software And Commands: ~ 1118
-1.4a How Do I Use Jamba? ~ 1119
-1.4b How Do I Use Hotkeynet? ~ 1120
-1.5 Multiboxing With Multiple Computers: ~ 1122
-1.6 Final Notes: ~ 1123

1.1 What Is Multiboxing? ~ 1113

Multiboxing is a term used to denote one user playing multiple accounts simultaneously. This can be done using one or more machines.
For some players there is not enough challenge in playing only one character at a time. Others look to recreate the feel of old time Computer Role Playing Games where a well designed team was used to adventure together. There are also some who don't want to rely on others to play the game when one character is not enough.

1.2 The Basics Of Multiboxing: ~ 1114

The basics to Multiboxing are as follows, one user who is in full control of anywhere between 2-40 characters at one time, allowing this user the ability to play multiple classes, races, professions, etc. At one time.

This is done through a combination of computer functions.

First, in game macros and addons.

Second, key amplifying programs that activate outside the game client.

Third, key binding scripts written for and used with a key Amplifier.

1.3 How Do I Get Started? ~ 1115

Ok the very first step one must take in order to start off their career as a Multiboxer, is to determine how many characters they wish to have in their group. Once this has been accomplished the player must make separate accounts for each character in the group.

The standard denominations for group sizes are: 2,3,5,10,20, and 40.
Though any number will work and suffice, the only core issue with group size is that you must have a client open for each character your playing.

This means that your group size is limited to the maximum number of clients you can run at any given time.

A good trick to this however, is to install separate copies of WoW formatted for the NE server onto your separate drives, running clients from different drives decreases lag and latency issues.

Another AMAZING trick is to run all but your main client either minimized or in the background as this will massively decrease your in game Lag, FPS, and latency issues that stem from running multiple clients.

1.3b Determining Your Team: ~ 1116

The configuration of your team is completely up to you, and is pretty much limitless.
However common sense does put on some slight complications here.

As we know each class serves a different purpose in game which are as follows:

Druid ~ Tank/Heal/DPS
Priest ~ Heal/DPS
Mage ~ DPS
Warlock ~ DPS
Warrior ~ Tank/DPS
Shaman ~ Heal/DPS
Paladin ~ Tank/Heal/DPS
Rouge ~ DPS
Death Knight ~ DPS/Tank
Hunter ~ DPS

Now the key to a good group is to build one that will survive, so you want a mixture of healers, a tank, and DPS.

A common formation you see is a Tank, A Healer, and 3 DPS. However you choose to form your teams classes is up to you, and must be done at your discretion.

Once you have decided what classes you would like to have in your team you must look at the racial availability as not every race can play every class.

Unless you feel like leveling each of your characters separately and then meeting them all up, i HIGHLY suggest choosing a race that can fulfill class roles for all necessary group positions so that you may begin Multiboxing from level 1. *Blood Elfs are great for this purpose as they can play healing, tank, and dps classes.*

1.3c Naming Your Team: ~ 1117

Ok now here is where alot of people have fun as technically you can name your team members whatever you choose. However, the standard practice for this is to Choose a main name, which will be the master name, and then making all other member's names variants of the master name.

for example:

Main: Ashaman

Slaves: Bshaman, Cshaman, Dshaman, Fshaman.

** This is done for a few good reasons, the main reason being that it is highly confusing to other players in PvP when the names are so similar they cannot decipher which character is your Master.

1.4 Software And Commands: ~ 1118

Now that you have your team created here comes the fun part, the actual process of Multiboxing and setting up your team for ingame use.

First, their are a few things you are going to need to download in order to Multibox. The first thing you need is an Addon called Jamba. Jamba is crucial for players as it serves the purpose of allowing your players to auto follow your main character, Automatically take the same flight paths or portals, and to Auto Accept/Decline Quests.

The second piece to this equation is a program called Hotkeynet. This is a Keystroke amplifier that will make the entire process of Multi attacking targeting and the like possible.

1.4a How Do I Use Jamba? ~ 1119

The first piece you downloaded and installed was the Jamba Addon. This addon must be activated on all of your characters in order for them to be included in the process of Multiboxing. As you will notice there are two things that are now placed in the center of your screen upon logging on, these can be moved to a desired position by holding down the "Alt" Key and dragging them to the above mentioned desired position.

First in order to setup Jamba you must log in ALL of your characters that you want in the MB group. Once this is done decide which will be your main, This character from now on shall be called the Master.

Use your master and invite all of your characters to a party. Once they are all in your party you must go through each character and type the following commands into their chatboxes:

/Jamba-team addparty



When you do this it should A. add all of the party members to your Core team, and B. Open up the Core team window.

After you have done this on all of your characters return to the Masters Client.

In the Masters Chat box type the command line:

/jamba-team master <Master> all

What this then does is adjust your teams UI's so that they now recognize that character as the Master and all of their actions will then be mimicked off of him.
Once this has been done, you must Logout and Login all of your characters again.

From this point on, Jamba is now set for use. In order to create a party with all characters in it Create an In game macro on your Master character named "Jamba Command" with the following command line as it's action:

/jamba-follow master all
/stopmacro [nobutton:2]
/jamba-group invite

What this does is pretty simple, left click or button press the macro icon and it sends the follow command to all team members. right click the macro icon and it sends the follow command AND forms a group. *Note this must be done twice if the group is larger than 5 characters, it must be done once, you must adjust to a raid group, and then it must be done a second time.

I advise staying with default Jamba settings until you have had practice with the icon, as under default settings all characters in the team, From now on referred to as Slaves will mimic the Masters actions I.E Accepting/Declining Quests, Taking Flight Paths, Auto Decline Duels and Trades, and Forwards whispers to the Master. A setting must be changed under the Quest Completion section of the Addon interface in order to auto complete quests with multiple rewards but it is fairly obvious what to do there

1.4b How Do I Use Hotkeynet? ~ 1120

This program is a bit more complicated than the Jamba Addon. It is a Keystroke Amplifier.

What this program does is allow a user to make a keystroke on his keyboard that triggers a virtual "Hotkey", this Hotkey is then transmitted to each window in succession and triggers keystrokes in each window appropriate and according to the script.

First Open Up the Hokeynet.exe to start the program.

Once this has been done, you will notice on the top bar a tab called actions, drop the menu down and find an option called "Rename A Window" click on this.

** This is very important!, and this process must be done every time you log in to your Multiboxing team!**

How you Rename a window is very simple, Open up your masters Client and right click on the top bar of the client window, you will be prompted to type in the new name for this window, so name it Master.

After this is done, you must rename every client window being used, I normally name mine: Slave1, Slave2, Slave3, Slave4, etc., etc.,. As this makes it easy to asses which window is which.

Once this is done, you get to begin writing the scripts for the program.

To do this Open up a blank word document, and use it to write the script down.

A Comprehensive guide on writing scripts and command prompts can be found Here.

As you will see as you learn to write these scripts, by using the Hotbar in game, and the virtual hotkeys you create you can get your team down to a system where you press a single key, and your entire team attacks, or you can set it up with healers to have part of your team attacking part of it healing etc., But the possibilities are limitless, and i will leave script development, keystroke planning, and attack strategies up to you as these are all secrets that are unique to each different Multiboxer.

~~~ Scripting Basics ~~~

The basics to writing a script are fairly simple, It is done in 5 stage command line and i will teach you how this is arranged how to write the to receive the desired effect etc.

The first Command like on the script is the the hotkey, it is the actual key that you will press on your keyboard to trigger the virtual keystrokes.
a hotkey is written as:


Now each key has a distinctive name, you can learn a key's command name by pressing the key while in the Hotkeynet interface and looking in the right hand corner of the window.

The key name im using is NumpadInsert now, the key that this is the name for is the Numberpad '0' key, but the program name for it is NumpadInsert.
It's very important that your using the correct name for the correct key.

what this part of the script will now do is trigger my virtual keystrokes when i press the Numberpad '0' key.

The second command line is the destination housing command. This line is used to send the keystrokes to the proper computer for them to be displayed in the proper window. This command line is written as:


What this command prompt will do is it will send the keystrokes to the local machine, which is the machine that Hotkeynet is broadcasting from.
This command is to be used when Multiboxing on one machine.

If however you want to Multibox using multiple machines you have to send the keystrokes to those machines, in order to do this you have to switch out 'local' with the IP address of the desired machine. For example:


what that would do is send the key strokes to the PC who's IP address is

Next in the command prompt line you must designate the window being accessed to perform the keystroke in. this command is written as <sendwin>
so we will use the Master window we've mentioned for the actual example.


What this will do is allow Hotkeynet to open the proper window you wish the keystrokes to take place in.

*** Tip to all scripters, Only use the command line <Sendwin> in your script for the Masters window. for every Slave window use the command line <SendWinM>, what this does is allow you to play with all but your Master window either minimized or in the background. It allows the program to transmit keystrokes to these windows without actually opening them.

The final command line set is the actual keystrokes you would like to have performed in each window. This is written as:


Im using key one as an example, but i'll explain to you what keystroke one will do. It will trigger the hotbar spell the is located in the key 1 slot.

So the full basic script will be written like this:


This script will perform the following action, when i press the numpad '0' key, it sets it's focus on the master window which it has located on the local machine, and in that window it will cast whatever spell you have assigned to hotbar keybinding 1.

If you wish to have 1 keystroke cast more than one spell at a time, you can do this by making use of the "Wait" command, this command causes a program delay that is measured in milliseconds.

so for instance if you cast an instant spell and want to cast another spell (for this example we will use the spell assigned to keybinding 3), then there is two things you need to account for. First, the standard 1.5 second global cool down that is triggered after instant casts, and second, a .3 second buffer for latency delay while casting. so the full wait for the script in milliseconds is 1800.

The command prompting script to cast wait and cast on the Master character is written as follows:


this will allow for the proper time break and still allow for us to cast 2 spells while only having to press one actual key.

This has been a basic run over and explanation and i warn scripts get ALOT more confusing than that, BUT writing these scripts allows you to custom tailor your Multiboxing experience to fit your gaming style.

As a final note, once you have a script written to load it click on the load script button n the hotkeynet interface and select the word file you created as a script.

1.5 Multiboxing With Multiple Computers: ~ 1122

Up until this point i have treated this as if you must Multibox from one machine.
This is not true, Multiple machines may be used to Multibox on. However, each computer being used will need to have a Copy of WoW formatted for use on the NE Server installed, as well as the Jamba Addon, and Hotkeynet. if the machine has these things installed you can Multibox using it. The main thing to bear in mind is when writing scripts if using separate machines you must change "Local" in the command line to the IP Address of the machine being used to host the window being accessed.

1.6 Final Notes: ~ 1123

This has been a run over the basics of Multiboxing and a fairly in depth look into these programs how they function, and how to use them.
If this guide is useful to you thank me, post a comment, private message me, but lemme know.

On the same token if your confused and need me to elaborate post and let me know and i will be sure to go through the guide and elaborate more.

This Guide will be growing as well.

~ RoflStomp

voor de mensen die hun toons in een formatie willen hebben staan bijvoorbeeld een kruis/vierkant om je master heen heb ik hier nog een stukje script. (alleen voor een MB van 5 of 4 maar bij 4 dan heb je geen persoon in het midden.)

houd Ctrl Oem4 ingedrukt voor toons ene kant op
Ctrl Oem6 voor de andere kant (kan je ze bijvoorbeeld weer naar je toe laten lopen)
Oem4 = [
Oem 6 = ]

Code: Selecteer alles

//              A01
//       M11 L12   K13 B02
//       H08 I09    J10 C03
//       G07 F06   E05 D04
<MovementHotkey ScrollLockOn Ctrl Oem4>
      <SendLabel w2> <Key W>
      <SendLabel w3> <Key I>
      <SendLabel w4> <Key S>
      <SendLabel w5> <Key O>
<MovementHotkey ScrollLockOn Ctrl Oem6>
      <SendLabel w2> <Key S>
      <SendLabel w3> <Key O>
      <SendLabel w4> <Key W>
      <SendLabel w5> <Key I>
bij dit script is I bij mij Strafe Left en O = Strafe Right
dit heb ik gedaan zodat ik Q en E vrij kon houden voor spell bindings.
W en S zijn wel gewoon forward en backward

Geplaatst: 16-03-2011 19:20
door Koeny
Euhm Dopol je moet je bericht reposten en dan 'HTML uitschakelen in dit bericht' aanvinken :S Anders krijgen we fouten scripts ;) Je mist namelijk veel dingen in de scripts ( cijfertjes enzo)

( Vond je mijn uitleg niet goed? XD)

Geplaatst: 16-03-2011 19:57
door Depil
bedankt had het algezien ja.

maar jouw uitleg was wel goed. maar ik denk ik laat mijn script ook ff zien (in dat zelfde topic.) maar toen ging ik er ook een guide bij zetten en toen dacht ik nou dan maak ik maar even een compleet nieuw topic

Geplaatst: 16-03-2011 20:07
door Koeny
Ahah okee,
Ja is wel duidelijker een hele nieuwe topic :P

Geplaatst: 17-03-2011 09:00
door somers
Je vergeet een stuk voor je met hotkeys u wow's kunt openen.

<Run "C:\Gebruikers\Openbaar\Games\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe>

dit moet er dus voorkomen :p
Gewoon het pad naar je wow.exe veranderen in dit stukje en klaar.

Geplaatst: 17-03-2011 16:40
door Depil
thanks somers! was het idd helemaal vergeten.
heb het er in gezet

Geplaatst: 27-03-2011 20:54
door Depil
deze heb ik speciaal voor Embria gemaakt naar verzoek.
maar ofc mag de rest van de guild er ook gebruik van maken.
hij ishet zelfde als me andere script. maar ipv 5 schermen zijn het er nu 3

het enige dat er nog aan verandert moet worden is de GEBRUIKERSNAAM en het WACHTWOORD

(de scherm formatie en grote heb ik gezet naar dat van Embria haar beeldscherm als je deze script ook neemt. zal de opstelling dus heel anders wezen en zul je dit zelf een beetje moeten aanpassen)

@Embria, ik hoop dat ik de grote van de schermen goed heb. was beetje lastig aangezien ik niet Precies de grotest wist van je scherm ;)
als het niet helemaal klopt. je weet me te vinden

Code: Selecteer alles

//================================================== ==============
// Instructions: Copy this entire script (all the blue writing
// on gray background including comments). Save it in a file.
// Load it into HotkeyNet.
// Toggle the scroll lock key to turn hotkeys off and on. (You
// can change this if you want, just like you can change
// everything else with HotkeyNet.)
// Requires HotkeyNet build 148 or higher.
// For more info, go to
//================================================== ==============

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Ctrl R>
<SendPC local>
<RenameWin "World of Warcraft" WoW1>
<RenameWin "World of Warcraft" WoW2>
<RenameWin "World of Warcraft" WoW3>

<Command LaunchAndRename>
<SendPC %1%>
<Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\World_of_Warcraft\Wow.exe">
<RenameTargetWin %2%>

// start alle 3 je wow's door alt+ctrl+L,Y,U te gebruiken
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl L>
<LaunchAndRename Local WoW1>
<wait 3000>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>
<wait 100>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 1000 768>
<SetWinPos 1 1>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Y>
<LaunchAndRename Local WoW2>
<wait 3000>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>
<wait 100>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 366 384>
<SetWinPos 1000 1>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl U>
<LaunchAndRename Local WoW3>
<wait 3000>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>
<wait 100>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 366 384>
<SetWinPos 1000 384>

// gebruikek alt+cltr+Numpad1,2,3 
// om het groote scherm te veranderen naar scherm 1 2 of 3
// Set master WoW1
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Numpad1>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 1000 768>
<SetWinPos 1 1>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 366 384>
<SetWinPos 1000 1>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 366 384>
<SetWinPos 1000 384>

// Set master WoW2
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Numpad2>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 1000 768>
<SetWinPos 1 1>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 366 384>
<SetWinPos 1000 1>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 366 384>
<SetWinPos 1000 384>

// Set master WoW3
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl Numpad3>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<SetWinSize 1000 768>
<SetWinPos 1 1>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<SetWinSize 366 384>
<SetWinPos 1000 384>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<SetWinSize 366 384>
<SetWinPos 1000 1>

// Sign in WoW1
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl 1>
<TargetWin WoW1>
<wait 3>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>

// Sign in WoW2
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl 2>
<TargetWin WoW2>
<wait 3>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>

// Sign in WoW3
<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Alt Ctrl 3>
<TargetWin WoW3>
<wait 3>
<Key tab>
<wait 100>
<Key Enter>

<Label w1 Local SendWinM WoW1>
<Label w2 Local SendWinM WoW2>
<Label w3 Local SendWinM WoW3>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn A-Z, 0-9, Plus, Minus, F1-F12, Numpad0-Numpad9, Divide, Decimal, Multiply, NumpadMinus, NumpadEnter, Except E, Q, W, A, S, D, Z>
<SendLabel w1, w2, w3>
<Key %Trigger%>

<MovementHotkey ScrollLockOn Insert, Delete, up, down, left, right, space>
<SendLabel w1, w2, w3>
<Key %Trigger%>

<UseKeyAsModifier Oem3>

<Hotkey ScrollLockOn Oem3 LButton, MButton, RButton, Button4, Button5, MButton>
<SendLabel w1, w2, w3>
<ClickMouse %TriggerMainKey%> 

Geplaatst: 03-04-2011 11:43
door holyserpent

zou je een start up script willen maken voor uhhhmm 10 WoW's (A)

~edit eigenlijk voor alles maar dan met 10 :P

Geplaatst: 03-04-2011 13:25
door Depil
whahaha jij hebt grote plannen :P
Tip: bij het levelen level per group van 5. met questen waar je monsters moet killen krijg je soms geen kills in een raid group.

maar moet ik ook maken dat de wow-schermen precies op pc-scherm passen?
zo ja dan moet ik even de maat weten van je scherm.

Geplaatst: 03-04-2011 14:21
door holyserpent
zal je me beeldscherm wel geven niet letterlijk : T220HD