Pagina 6 van 7

Geplaatst: 16-10-2010 10:58
door darkforcer
Changelog 14/10/10
The following areas have had invisible creatures or unattackable creatures fixed:

* Valiance Keep
* Ulduar - Halls of Stone
* Icecrown Citadel

Here are some other fixes:

* Malevolent Remnants - Fixed
* The Annals of Kirin'Var - Fixed
* Searching for Evidence - Fixed
* A Lingering Suspicion - Fixed
* Capturing the Phylactery - Fixed


Something I forgot to add:

* [Token of Tailoring Recipes] now properly teaches [Frosty Flying Carpet]


Geplaatst: 16-10-2010 10:58
door darkforcer
Changelog 16/10/10

* Vacillating Voidcaller - Fixed
* Forgotten Depths Slayer - Fixed
* Valiance Keep - Assorted 'Horse' placement fixes. Now they are attackable, but not aggressive.
* Stormwind Mage - Fixed
* Commander Duron - Fixed

Purge Statistics

* Accounts Purged - 120,819
* Characters Purged - 306,686


Geplaatst: 17-10-2010 21:58
door Ghasm
Change log 10/17/2010
The following spells have been added and fixed for quests

"The Cleansing: Shrine Cast"
The Way to His Heart...: Character Script Effect Reverse Cast
Crafty's Ultra-Advanced Proto-Typical Shortening Blaster
Polymorph: Crafty Wobblesprocket
Surge Needle Teleporter
The Focus on the Beach: Quest Completion Script
Atop the Woodlands: Quest Completion Script
The End of the Line: Quest Completion Script
High Executor's Branding Iron
A Fall from Grace: Scarlet Raven Priest Image - Master
Warsong Orc Disguise
Sunreaver Disguise
Silver Covenant Disguise
The Cleansing: Script Effect Player Cast Mirror Image
The Cleansing: Your Inner Turmoil's Mirror Image Aura
Player Summon Nass
Quest Accept Summon Nass
Kickin' Nass: Quest Completion
Song of Cleansing
An End to the Suffering: Quest Completion Script
Great Feast
Fish Feast
Gigantic Feast
Small Feast
Bountiful Feast
Chum the Water
Make Player Destroy Totems
Blessing of Forgotten Kings

Geplaatst: 26-11-2010 19:54
door darkforcer
Changelog 25/11/10

* Hunters can now use [Call Stabled Pet]
* Warlocks can now use [Demonic Circle: Summon] and [Demonic Circle: Teleport]
* [Hand of Salvation] will no longer reveal invisible enemies
* [Mirror Image] will no longer attract the attention of all hostile NPCs within a 100 yd radius

Geplaatst: 06-12-2010 17:21
door darkforcer
12/05/2010 Change log


The following spells were fixed and are active in game as of 12/5/2010

DK - Chains of Ice - now applies Frost Fever (Fixed)(Nevdev)
Paladin - Hand of Reckoning - Doesn't do Holy dmg (Fixed)(Nevdev)
Paladin - Lay on Hands - Doesn't apply Forbearance and doesn't check to see if Forbearance is active on self cast. (Fixed)(Nevdev)

Geplaatst: 06-12-2010 17:28
door darkforcer
12/06/2010 Core fixes for crashes


The following repairs were added to the core... Courtesy of our man Martijn

- BattlegroundEY no longer spams unnecessary player not found message in console
- ChatHandler - fix for checking whether Player pointer is correct (Player==Player->This)
- _SaveInventory - fix for checking an Item is indeed an Item (Item==Item->This)
- MapInstanced - fix for InstanceMaps container, now is a tbb unordered map.

Geplaatst: 06-12-2010 17:28
door darkforcer
Beside this fix there have been a major upgrade to the core involving stability.

You wont be able to see any difference on your client, other than less lag and more stability. (this does not mean we fixed all the crashes yet)

More detail for those who like:
In the past we've had re-occurring crashes because of our multi-threading model and the core is just not suited for that since it is based on existing emulators which all run in 1 thread.

The current core needs more fixes though to be 100% multi-threading.

The last change was a huge step forward.

even more detail:
The core holds a component called ObjectAccessor. Which allows every function to find an object in-game from any world. Like mail, auctions, other players for teleporting or chatting, transports and many more.
These objects run across different threads in the server.
Now this is thread-safe.

Geplaatst: 07-12-2010 14:39
door darkforcer
12/06/2010 PM Changes
The following Core and Spell changes were added for stability and playability...

- Potential fix for MapInstanced::UpdateResultQueue crashes
- Let ObjectAccessor store players guid instead of player pointer.
- Let FindPlayerByName call FindPlayer by use of guid
2 more dealing with thread looping potential crash fixes.

(Partial) Spell fixes:
- Shaman: Spirit Walk, Totem of Wrath
- Druid: Beserk (Bear mangle part)
- Warrior: Shield Slam
- Paladin: This is the self cast check for the Lay on Hands (Forbearance)
- Chaos bane
-Hunter: Lock and Load

Geplaatst: 07-12-2010 14:40
door darkforcer
12/07/2010 change log
The following changes were added to the core and the playability of the server...

-Death's Choice trinket (normal) and (heroic) now proc paragon.

Geplaatst: 09-12-2010 21:58
door darkforcer
12/8/2010 Changes


The following changes have been made to the Spells and Core...

Druid - T9 Feral - Idol of Mutilation - now applies buffs both in cat and bear form.
Priest - Glyph of Smite - Now works.

-Mutex added to ThreatContainer
-Limit creation of Spell object to minimize race conditions
-Spell creation now requires Initializing using Spell::Initialize() ( RIGHT AFTER CREATION )
-Test on Unit::SendToThreatlist to ensure correct HostileReference
Potential crash fixes for Battleground
-added Mutex for BattleGroundMgr::m_QueueUpdateScheduler to allow concurrent ScheduleQueueUpdate()
-replaced direct BattleGroundMgr update with ScheduleQueueUpdate: