Pagina 4 van 7

Geplaatst: 28-06-2010 17:55
door Ghasm
3.3.5 Now Accepted
During today's update along with the usual lag / DC fixes, we have applied a change to the authentication servers which means that we will now be accepting connections from any of the following client builds:

* 3.3.3a (11723)
* 3.3.5 (12266)

Due to the fact that patch 3.3.5 is mainly about (of which we are not a part), there are sufficiently few changes 'under the hood' that we are able to support both client versions simultaneously for those of you who want to, or have already patched up.

Come Wednesday when 3.3.5 will be released in Europe, we will return to only accepting one client version, which will be 3.3.5 (11266).

The Ruby Sanctum will NOT be available at launch, although it is being worked on.

If you have not yet patched to 3.3.5, then I recommend you don't just yet in case there is an issue and we need to revert back temporarily.

Geplaatst: 30-06-2010 08:37
door Ghasm
Icecrown Citadel Progress
New data implemented for Icecrown Citadel.

Here is what I've done so far.

Creature data gathered 95%
Creature data installed 70%
Creature spawns 60%
Object data gathered 100%
Object data installed 100%
Object spawns 100%
Vendors 100%
Loot 0%
Misc (triggers, teleports, debuffs, buffs, etc) 80%
Scripts 0%

Some numbers may be changing in a near future.

Geplaatst: 02-07-2010 00:02
door darkforcer
The vote shop has had some major changes!

Many items were added! Pricing has changed on many of the items too!

Check it out now!

The vote shop suggestion section has been wiped so that new suggestions can be added.

Relentless Gladiator's has NOT been added to the vote shop. It will make an appearance in the future, but the date has not yet been decided.

Ice Crown Citadel Gear will NOT be added until the instance is opened.

Suggestions are always welcomed, if you find that an item you are looking for is not there, you may suggest it be added here.

Geplaatst: 02-07-2010 00:07
door darkforcer
New numbers after the update done on june 30th.

Creature data gathered 95%
Creature data installed 100% (All creatures are in the database but some need to be changed a bit with the data I am still missing)
Creature spawns 90%
Object data gathered 100%
Object data installed 100%
Object spawns 100%
Vendors 100%
Loot 0%
Misc (triggers, teleports, debuffs, buffs, etc) 80%
Scripts 0%

Geplaatst: 04-07-2010 20:19
door darkforcer
The end-game weapons have been removed from the donation shop and the following items have been added to replace them:

* [Cryptmaker]
* [Frozen Bonespike]
* [Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas]
* [Heartpierce]
* [Nibelung]
* [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
* [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
* [Rib Spreader]
* [Trauma]
* [Corpse-Impaling Spike]
* [Black Bruise]
* [Distant Land]
* [Rigormortis]
* [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
* [Bloodfall]
* [Last Word]
* [Dying Light]
* [Lungbreaker]
* [Keleseth's Seducer]
* [Scourgeborne Waraxe]
* [Bloodvenom Blade]
* [Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter]
* [Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General]
* [Heaven's Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies]
* [Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony]
* [Royal Scepter of Terenas II]
* [Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas]
* [Nightmare Ender]
* [Cryptmaker]
* [Frozen Bonespike]
* [Lungbreaker]
* [Nightmare Ender]
* [Heartpierce]
* [Nibelung]
* [Scourgeborne Waraxe]
* [Bloodvenom Blade]
* [Rib Spreader]
* [Corpse-Impaling Spike]
* [Trauma]
* [Black Bruise]
* [Distant Land]
* [Rigormortis]
* [Last Word]
* [Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter]
* [Keleseth's Seducer]
* [Dying Light]
* [Bloodfall]
* [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
* [Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas]
* [Royal Scepter of Terenas II]
* [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
* [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]

Prices are 15 Chips for non-heroic and 20 Chips for heroic items.

Geplaatst: 04-07-2010 21:30
door darkforcer
Onderstaande zijn alle nieuwe toegevoegde items in de voteshop !
Now that you have had time to see the Donation Shop change log here is the new Vote Shop changelog.

More items have added to the voteshop, and as promised here is a full list of everything added.

[Hippogryph Hatchling]
[Archon Glaive]*
[Archon Glaive]*
[Ardent Guard]*
[Ardent Guard]*
[Argent Resolve]*
[Argent Resolve]*
[Baelgun's Heavy Crossbow]*
[Baelgun's Heavy Crossbow]*
[Barb of Tarasque]*
[Barb of Tarasque]*
[Blackhorn Bludgeon]*
[Blackhorn Bludgeon]*
[Blade of Tarasque]*
[Blade of Tarasque]*
[Blade of the Silver Disciple]*
[Blade of the Silver Disciple]*
[Blade of the Unbroken Covenant]*
[Blades of the Sable Cross]*
[Blood and Glory]*
[Blood Fury]*
[Blood Fury]*
[Brimstone Igniter]*
[Cold Convergence]*
[Cold Convergence]*
[Cudgel of the Damned]*
[Crusader's Glory]*
[Crusader's Glory]*
[Darkmaw Crossbow]*
[Darkmaw Crossbow]*
[Death's Head Crossbow]*
[Death's Head Crossbow]*
[Dual-blade Butcher]*
[Dual-blade Butcher]*
[Edge of Agony]*
[Edge of Agony]*
[Fezzik's Autocannon]*
[Fordragon Blades]*
[Fordragon Blades]*
[Frenzystrike Longbow]*
[Frostblade Hatchet]*
[Frostblade Hatchet]*
[Hellion Glaive]*
[Hellscream Slicer]*
[Hellscream Slicer]*
[Lionhead Slasher]*
[Lionhead Slasher]*
[Lothar's Edge]*
[Mor'kosh, the Bloodreaver]*
[Rhok'shalla, the Shadow's Bane]*
[The Diplomat]*
[The Diplomat]*
[Flimsy Male Blood Elf Mask]
[Goblin Weather Machine - Prototype 01-B]
[Aegis of the Coliseum]
[Forsaken Bonecarver]
[Mace of the Earthborn Chieftain]
[Nemesis Blade]
[Orcish Deathblade]
[Pride of the Kor'kron]
[Scepter of Imprisoned Souls]
[Sunreaver Disciple's Blade]
[Widebarrel Flintlock]
[Binding Stone]
[Eitrigg's Oath]
[Fetish of Volatile Power]
[Vengeance of the Forsaken]
[Bulwark of the Royal Guard]
[The Grinder]
[Westfall Saber]
[The Lion's Maw]
[Icefall Blade]
[Dirk of the Night Watch]
[Vigilant Ward]
[Rod of Imprisoned Souls]
[Binding Light]
[Fervor of the Frostborn]
[Talisman of Volatile Power]
[Victor's Call]
[Robes of the Sleepless]
[Stoneskin Chestplate]
[Vest of Shifting Shadows]
[Acidmaw Treads]
[Greaves of the Lingering Vortex]
[Sabatons of Tortured Space]
[Sandals of the Grieving Soul]
[Sunreaver Magus' Sandals]
[Warsong Poacher's Greaves]
[Band of the Twin Val'kyr]
[Firestorm Band]
[Gormok's Band]
[Planestalker Band]
[Gauntlets of Mounting Anger]
[Looming Shadow Wraps]
[Sen'jin Ritualist Gloves]
[Sunreaver Assassin's Gloves]
[Helm of the Crypt Lord]
[Helm of the High Mesa]
[Sunreaver Champion's Faceplate]
[Sunreaver Ranger's Helm]
[Lightbane Focus]
[Legplates of Redeemed Blood]
[Legwraps of the Demonic Messenger]
[Sunwalker Legguards]
[Collar of Unending Torment]
[Darkbane Amulet]
[Fortitude of the Infernal]
[Pendant of Binding Elements]
[Pauldrons of the Glacial Wilds]
[Pauldrons of the Shadow Hunter]
[Pauldrons of the Spirit Walker]
[Shoulderpads of the Snow Bandit]
[Sunreaver Defender's Pauldrons]
[Belt of the Bloodhoof Emissary]
[Belt of the Eternal]
[Belt of the Impaler]
[Belt of the Nether Champion]
[Darkspear Ritual Binding]
[Girdle of the Frozen Reach]
[Icehowl Binding]
[Armplates of the Nether Lord]
[Bracers of the Northern Stalker]
[Dreadscale Bracers]
[Felspark Bracers]
[Vestments of the Sleepless]
[Chestguard of the Warden]
[Armor of Shifting Shadows]
[Acidmaw Boots]
[Sabatons of the Lingering Vortex]
[Boots of Tortured Space]
[Boots of the Grieving Soul]
[Sandals of the Silver Magus]
[Sentinel Scouting Greaves]
[Loop of the Twin Val'kyr]
[Firestorm Ring]
[Carnivorous Band]
[Planestalker Signet]
[Gauntlets of Rising Anger]
[Gloves of Looming Shadow]
[Gloves of the Azure Prophet]
[Gloves of the Silver Assassin]
[Helmet of the Crypt Lord]
[Helm of the Snowy Grotto]
[Faceplate of the Silver Champion]
[Helm of the Silver Ranger]
[Chalice of Benedictus]
[Legplates of the Silver Hand]
[Leggings of the Demonic Messenger]
[Legplates of the Immortal Spider]
[Collar of Ceaseless Torment]
[Darkbane Pendant]
[Endurance of the Infernal]
[Amulet of Binding Elements]
[Shoulderpads of the Glacial Wilds]
[Pauldrons of the Timeless Hunter]
[Shoulderguards of the Spirit Walker]
[Spaulders of the Snow Bandit]
[Pauldrons of the Silver Defender]
[Belt of the Winter Solstice]
[Cinch of the Undying]
[Girdle of the Impaler]
[Girdle of the Nether Champion]
[Girdle of the Farseer]
[Belt of the Frozen Reach]
[Icehowl Cinch]
[Armguards of the Nether Lord]
[Armbands of the Northern Stalker]
[Dreadscale Armguards]
[Felspark Bindings]
[Bastion of Resolve]
[Forlorn Barrier]
[Gouge of the Frigid Heart]
[Stygian Bladebreaker]
[Suffering's End]
[Twin's Pact]
[Mystifying Charm]
[Talisman of Heedless Sins]
[Death's Choice]
[Juggernaut's Vitality]
[Solace of the Fallen]
[Armbands of Dark Determination]
[Armguards of the Shieldmaiden]
[Bindings of the Ashen Saint]
[Bindings of the Autumn Willow]
[Boneshatter Vambraces]
[Bracers of the Broken Bond]
[Bracers of the Silent Massacre]
[Dark Essence Bindings]
[Legplates of Feverish Dedication]
[Belt of Biting Cold]
[Belt of Bloodied Scars]
[Belt of Pale Thorns]
[Belt of the Pitiless Killer]
[Belt of the Tenebrous Mist]
[Binding of the Ice Burrower]
[Bloodbath Girdle]
[Girdle of the Forgotten Martyr]
[Waistguard of Deathly Dominion]
[Bastion of Purity]
[Crystal Plated Vanguard]
[Twin Spike]
[Stormpike Cleaver]
[Steel Bladebreaker]
[Lupine Longstaff]
[Chalice of Searing Light]
[Symbol of Transgression]
[Death's Verdict]
[Satrina's Impeding Scarab]
[Solace of the Defeated]
[Bracers of Dark Determination]
[Bracers of the Shieldmaiden]
[Armbands of the Ashen Saint]
[Bracers of the Autumn Willow]
[Boneshatter Armplates]
[Vambraces of the Broken Bond]
[Bracers of the Untold Massacre]
[Bindings of Dark Essence]
[Bracers of Cloudy Omen]
[Cord of Biting Cold]
[Girdle of Bloodied Scars]
[Cord of Pale Thorns]
[Belt of the Merciless Killer]
[Cord of the Tenebrous Mist]
[Belt of the Ice Burrower]
[Bloodbath Belt]
[Belt of the Forgotten Martyr]
[Belt of Deathly Dominion]
[Charge of the Eredar]
[Cry of the Valkyr]
[Legionnaire's Gorget]
[Breeches of the Deepening Void]
[Leggings of Concealed Hatred]
[Leggings of Failing Light]
[Leggings of the Awakening]
[Leggings of the Lurking Threat]
[Legplates of Ascension]
[Legplates of Feverish Dedication]
[Legwraps of the Broken Beast]
[Pants of the Soothing Touch]
[Gauntlets of Bitter Reprisal]
[Handwraps of the Lifeless Touch]
[Band of Callous Aggression]
[Lurid Manifestation]
[Ring of the Violent Temperament]
[Boots of the Harsh Winter]
[Boots of the Icy Floe]
[Dawnbreaker Sabatons]
[Greaves of Ruthless Judgment]
[Greaves of the Saronite Citadel]
[Icewalker Treads]
[Sabatons of the Courageous]
[Sabatons of Tremoring Earth]
[Sandals of the Mourning Widow]
[Chestplate of the Frostwolf Hero]
[Chestplate of the Frozen Lake]
[Cuirass of Cruel Intent]
[Cuirass of Flowing Elements]
[Flowing Robes of Ascent]
[Hauberk of the Towering Monstrosity]
[Robes of the Shattered Fellowship]
[Skyweaver Vestments]
[Vest of Calamitous Fate]
[Drape of the Refreshing Winds]
[Maiden's Adoration]
[Might of the Nerub]
[Pride of the Demon Lord]
[Charge of the Demon Lord]
[Wail of the Val'kyr]
[The Arbiter's Muse]
[Leggings of the Deepening Void]
[Legguards of Concealed Hatred]
[Legplates of Failing Light]
[Legwraps of the Awakening]
[Legguards of the Lurking Threat]
[Legguards of Ascension]
[Legguards of Feverish Dedication]
[Leggings of the Broken Beast]
[Leggings of the Soothing Touch]
[Gloves of Bitter Reprisal]
[Gloves of the Lifeless Touch]
[Ring of Callous Aggression]
[Band of Deplorable Violence]
[Band of the Violent Temperment]
[Boots of the Unrelenting Storm]
[Footpads of the Icy Floe]
[Dawnbreaker Greaves]
[Sabatons of Ruthless Judgment]
[Greaves of the 7th Legion]
[Treads of the Icewalker]
[Boots of the Courageous]
[Boots of Tremoring Earth]
[Boots of the Mourning Widow]
[Chestplate of the Frostborn Hero]
[Breastplate of the Frozen Lake]
[Breastplate of Cruel Intent]
[Chestguard of Flowing Elements]
[Flowing Vestments of Ascent]
[Chestplate of the Towering Monstrosity]
[Vestments of the Shattered Fellowship]
[Skyweaver Robes]
[Cuirass of Calamitous Fate]
[Shawl of the Refreshing Winds]
[Maiden's Favor]
[Strength of the Nerub]
[Pride of the Eredar]
[Ancient Pickled Egg]
[Banner of Victory]
[Dark Matter]
[Voldrethar, Dark Blade of Oblivion]
[Misery's End]
[The Executioner's Malice]
[The General's Heart]
[Pandora's Plea]
[Sif's Remembrance]
[Living Ice Crystals]
[Mark of Norgannon]
[Rifled Blastershot Launcher]
[Skyforge Crossbow]
[Saronite Swordbreakers]
[Saronite Swordbreakers]
[Band of the Traitor King]
[Signet of the Traitor King]
[The Black Heart]
[Staff of Endless Winter]
[Aesir's Edge]
[Stormrune Edge]
[Quel'Delar, Might of the Faithful]
[Quel'Delar, Ferocity of the Scorned]
[Sharpened Obsidian Edged Blade]
[Lightborn Spire]
[Reinforced Shadowstrike]
[Dark Edge of Depravity]
[Honed Fang of the Mystics]
[Tarnished Gutgore Ripper]
[Fang of Oblivion]
[Delirium's Touch]
[Golden Saronite Dragon]
[Raging Deathbringer]
[Hammer of Purified Flame]
[Cudgel of Furious Justice]
[Quel'Delar, Cunning of the Shadows]
[Quel'Delar, Lens of the Mind]
[Burnished Quel'Serrar]
[Polished Azuresong Mageblade]
[Tempered Vis'kag the Bloodletter]
[Siren's Cry]
[Rising Sun]
[Twirling Blades]
[Antediluvian Cornerstone Grimoire]
[Wisdom's Hold]
[Whistle of the Venomhide Ravasaur]
[Venomhide Baby Tooth]
[Titan-Forged Cloak of Ascendancy]
[Titan-Forged Cloak of Victory]
[Titan-Forged Pendant of Ascendancy]
[Titan-Forged Pendant of Victory]
[Mark of Supremacy]
[Reign of the Unliving]
[Reign of the Dead]
[Fate's Clutch]
[Choker of the Pure Heart]
[Heartbreak Charm]
[Sweet Perfume Broach]
[Shard of Pirouetting Happiness]
[Blood of the Old God]
[Betrayer of Humanity]
[The Leviathan's Coil]
[The General's Heart]
[Bandit's Insignia]
[Grim Toll]
[Vile Fumigator's Mask]
[Darkmoon Card: Greatness]
[Darkmoon Card: Greatness]
[Darkmoon Card: Greatness]
[Darkmoon Card: Greatness]
[Darkmoon Card: Death]
[Darkmoon Card: Illusion]
[Darkmoon Card: Berserker!]
[Recipe: Kungaloosh]
[Earthbound Shoulders]
[Stalwart Shoulderguards]
[Tumultuous Ring]
[Turbulent Signet]
[Vigorous Shoulderguards]
[Glyph of Command]
[Earthbound Grips]
[Enumerated Gloves]
[Stalwart Grips]
[Tumultuous Necklace]
[Turbulent Necklace]
[Vigorous Gloves]
[Earthbound Girdle]
[Enumerated Belt]
[Stalwart Belt]
[Turbulent Cloak]
[Vigorous Belt]
[Earthbound Boots]
[Earthbound Wristguards]
[Enumerated Bracers]
[Enumerated Sandals]
[Stalwart Bands]
[Stalwart Treads]
[Vigorous Bracers]
[Vigorous Stompers]
[Glyph of Eternal Water]
[Earthbound Shoulderguards]
[Enumerated Shoulderpads]
[Enumerated Shoulders]
[Stalwart Shoulderpads]
[Vigorous Spaulders]
[Earthbound Handgrips]
[Enumerated Handwraps]
[Vigorous Handguards]
[Earthbound Girdle]
[Enumerated Wrap]
[Tumultuous Cloak]
[Vigorous Belt]
[***** Wasteling]
[Glyph of Quick Decay]
[Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation]
[Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot]
[Forever-Lovely Rose]
[The Heartbreaker]
[Red Dinner Suit]
[Blue Dinner Suit]
[Purple Dinner Suit]
[Faded Lovely Greeting Card]
[Design: Defender's Dreadstone]
[Lovely Darnassus Card]
[Lovely Exodar Card]
[Lovely Ironforge Card]
[Lovely Orgrimmar Card]
[Lovely Rose]
[Lovely Silvermoon City Card]
[Lovely Stormwind Card]
[Lovely Thunder Bluff Card]
[Lovely Undercity Card]
[Snagglebolt's Air Analyzer]
[Snagglebolt's Khorium Bomb]

* Items found in donation Shop

Also I'd like to remind everyone that if you have a suggestion for items to be added or anything else in concerns to the vote shop it can be submitted here.

Geplaatst: 15-07-2010 00:08
door darkforcer
New numbers after the update done on july 14th

Icecrown Citadel

Creature data gathered 97%
Creature data installed 100% (All creatures are in the database but some need to be changed a bit with the data I am still missing)
Creature spawns 90%
Object data gathered 100%
Object data installed 100%
Object spawns 100%
Vendors 100%
Loot 50%
Misc (triggers, teleports, debuffs, buffs, etc) 90%
Scripts 0%

Ruby Sanctum

Creature data gathered 90%
Creature data installed 100% (All creatures are in the database but some need to be changed a bit with the data I am still missing)
Creature spawns 0%
Object data gathered 100%
Object data installed 100%
Object spawns 0%
Loot 0%
Misc (triggers, teleports, debuffs, buffs, etc) 0%
Scripts 0%

Some numbers may be changing in a near future.

Geplaatst: 20-07-2010 18:56
door darkforcer
UPDATE 19-07
New numbers after the update done on july 19th

Icecrown Citadel

Creature data gathered 97%
Creature data installed 100% (All creatures are in the database but some need to be changed a bit with the data I am still missing)
Creature spawns 92%
Object data gathered 100%
Object data installed 100%
Object spawns 100%
Vendors 100%
Loot 80%
Misc (triggers, teleports, debuffs, buffs, etc) 90%
Scripts 0%

Ruby Sanctum

Creature data gathered 90%
Creature data installed 100% (All creatures are in the database but some need to be changed a bit with the data I am still missing)
Creature spawns 0%
Object data gathered 100%
Object data installed 100%
Object spawns 0%
Loot 0%
Misc (triggers, teleports, debuffs, buffs, etc) 0%
Scripts 0%

Some numbers may be changing in a near future.

Geplaatst: 24-07-2010 09:31
door darkforcer
We've made a few changes to the website, they are as follows:

Donation Shop Changes

* [Token of the Frostwyrm] has been lowered from 50 Chips to 25.
* [Big Love Rocket] has been added at 25 Chips.

When we did the Donation Shop Endgame Weapon update, it was never posted, so here it is a bit late:

Heroics - 20 Chips

* [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
* [Bloodvenom Blade]
* [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
* [Last Word]
* [Scourgeborne Waraxe]
* [Lungbreaker]
* [Rib Spreader]
* [Heartpierce]
* [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
* [Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter]
* [Bloodfall]
* [Dying Light]
* [Nibelung]
* [Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas]
* [Distant Land]
* [Cryptmaker]
* [Black Bruise]
* [Trauma]
* [Royal Scepter of Terenas II]
* [Rigormortis]
* [Frozen Bonespike]
* [Keleseth's Seducer]
* [Nightmare Ender]
* [Corpse-Impaling Spike]

Non-Heroics - 15 Chips

* [Heaven's Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies]
* [Scourgeborne Waraxe]
* [Last Word]
* [Rib Spreader]
* [Heartpierce]
* [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
* [Lungbreaker]
* [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
* [Bloodvenom Blade]
* [Distant Land]
* [Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas]
* [Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General]
* [Bloodfall]
* [Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter]
* [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
* [Cryptmaker]
* [Dying Light]
* [Nibelung]
* [Black Bruise]
* [Royal Scepter of Terenas II]
* [Frozen Bonespike]
* [Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony]
* [Rigormortis]
* [Trauma]
* [Keleseth's Seducer]
* [Nightmare Ender]
* [Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas]
* [Corpse-Impaling Spike]

Profession Token Fixes

The following were missing from the tokens and have been added:


* [Boots of Kingly Upheaval]
* [Hellfrozen Bonegrinders]
* [Legplates of Painful Death]
* [Pillars of Might]
* [Protectors of Life]
* [Puresteel Legplates]


* [Iceblade Arrow]
* [Shatter Rounds]


* [Glyph of Eternal Water]
* [Glyph of Quick Decay]
* [Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation]


* [Bladeborn Leggings]
* [Blessed Cenarion Boots]
* [Draconic Bonesplinter Legguards]
* [Earthsoul Boots]
* [Footpads of Impending Death]
* [Legwraps of Unleashed Nature]
* [Lightning-Infused Leggings]
* [Rock-Steady Treads]


* [Deathfrost Boots]
* [Leggings of Woven Death]
* [Lightweave Leggings]
* [Sandals of Consecration]

Vote Shop Changes

* Crusader's White Warhorse - Removed


Geplaatst: 24-07-2010 09:33
door darkforcer
Hello Players of Neverendless.

As most of you know, we recently decided to poll the members on the decision about whether or not to put Relentless Gladiator's Gear into the Vote Shop.

I want to start out by saying this: yes, we did at one point say it was going to go in. The population seemed to want it and so we were going to do it, but once it was announced then other parts of the population voiced their opinion that it shouldn't be added. The admin team spent quite a while trying to gauge the feelings of the population in order to make this decision and quite honestly we couldn't tell which was the outcome that you the players desired.

And so roughly a week ago it was put to the vote, and almost 2000 people voted. The result: deadlock. Across the whole weekend the outcome kept switching back and forth, and by the end there were just 3 votes between the options. As I'm sure most of you can understand this is NOT enough of a majority to base a decision on and as far as we are concerned the poll finished up a draw.

This week the senior admins met to discuss this, and we came to the decision that we will NOT be putting Relentless Gladiator's Gear into the vote shop at this time. Our thinking behind the decision is this: a significant portion of the population is opposed to this idea (who they are, and what their motives are is not relevant), and while a roughly equal portion of the population are for this idea, we are by no means barring them from acquiring it we are merely not going to give it out for 'free'.

We hope the players understand our decision on this matter, and while we are not releasing this gear in the Vote Shop right now, we may decide to do so in the future.
