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Appeal voor Laurens lol

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 16:49
door Danphos
Allright, I'll explain it all from the beginning. What I think happened is: I got reported for speedhacking so the IS member came and watch me. I was in a WSG at that time as a feral druid and was capping some flags. I did that pretty fast because I have the talent called Feral Swiftness, this talent increases my movement speed by 30% in Cat Form. This should make me move at a 30% increased speed. I ,however, also had the 4-set bonus from the PvP feral gear. 'Feral Move Speed Increase' (WoWhead link: That effect increases my speed by another 15%. So my movement speed with only Feral Swiftness would be 130%, 1,15 * 130% = 149,5%. So I'd move at a 49,5% or 50% increased speed in cat form, but the speed increase from the set also applies to travel form (I do not recall if I were in travel form when I 'speedhacked' so I'll add this calculation to it too) so that'd be 140% (as the travel form has a 40% movement speed increase) * 1,15 = 161. That's a 61% movement speed increase in travel form. I also used Dash in cat form, Dash does NOT stack with Feral Swiftness so that'd mean it's be 115% (regular + set bonus) *1,70= 195,5%. So in Cat while using Dash I had a movement speed of 95,5%, pretty close to that of an epic mount. There is one more thing in WSG which increased my speed and that was the sprint things in the WSG tunnel. It's called: Speed - Increases movement speed by 100% for 10 seconds. (Taken from the WoWWiki page of WSG). Again, Feral Swiftness does NOT stack with this power-up. So calculating my speed with that buff would make it: 115*2,00=230%. This means I move at a 130% speed increase with that Speed power-up from WSG. All these effects combined makes a feral druid a SUPER fast capper. I get why ppl would doubt such a fast cap but it is NOT hacking. I hope I made myself clear here, I just took the flag, ran to the power up, dashed when outside and used travel when I was near the entrance of my homebase's tunnel. If you have any other question or need me to explain it even better please ask me.

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 17:35
door cutCurtis
Ben je gebanned ?

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 18:23
door Danphos
Ja 2 weken, speedhacken

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 19:16
door Laurensvk
Moet je dat niet doen he xD (sorry, kon het niet laten.)

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 19:23
door Voxado
Haha, Op je horde account zeker ?
Niet meer als juist ! moeten ze met elke horde doen
nene grapje,
Ik ben er de komende maand ook niet :) dus die leuke gnome moet je dan niet missen x

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 19:48
door Danphos
Blech, slaat echt nergens op. Gewoon zwaar irritant dat ik zoiets stap voor stap uit moet gaan zitten leggen.
Leer het spel spelen denk ik dan..

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 19:50
door darkforcer
Nasty :S

Maar je ban-appeal is daarintegen wel enorm duidelijk, daar kunnen ze niet om heen, hopelijk ben je weer snel online !

Grtz DF

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 20:54
door Depil
epic ban appeal... snap er de ballen niet van ze zullen je dus vast wel weer vrij laten :P

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 21:05
door Danphos
Hehe, nou hopen dan maar. Heb gewoon alles zitten uitleggen dus tja kan niet veel meer doen.

Geplaatst: 21-02-2011 21:41
door Voxado
Je uitleg is prima!
Als ze hier iets tegen kunnen beginnen zou ik het raar vinden